This is 40


When I first became a mom, I was astonished at how many products there were to assist new parents. I quickly discovered all these wonderful things that made parenting a little bit less daunting and life a little bit easier, like the baby carrier sling, the Boppy feeding pillow, the Bumbo seat, and my life-saving portable baby monitor.
I may no longer have babies at home but the habit of looking for products that change your world and make life easier has remained.
With more time to focus on myself in my rocking 40s, these are some of my favorite products that I simply cannot do without and have made it easier to navigate this so called “mid-life”:

Now that our metabolism is changing, it’s more important than ever to stay active and maintain our muscle mass. I have a Fitbit Blaze and I simply love it! Wearing it has given me a surprising self-awareness of all my physical activities and helps me stay in shape. That little sucker reminds me to get moving throughout the day, it helps me understand my sleeping pattern, and to be mindful of my own breathing. It even cheers me on with its loud buzzing and bright colors when I hit a milestone goal like taking 10,000 steps. Seriously, my kids don’t even get that happy, I’m obsessed with this watch. Thank you, Fitbit makers!

As we get older, our metabolic rate goes down so we need more nutrient-rich foods. My juicer makes it easy to consume healthy foods. How do I love thee…juicer? Let me count the ways:

  1. You let me consume heaps and heaps of rich vitamins and antioxidants so easily. I now drink my recommended intake of fruits and vegetables just like that.
  2. It’s no secret that I hate kale, no matter how I dice it, sauté it or boil it, I just can’t swallow it, unless, of course, it’s in my juice. And that’s because you, my lovely juicer, work your magic on it. All I need to do is mix my kale with savory cucumber, celery, apples, orange, lemon and voila! Bitterness gone.
  3. You are delightful to all my senses – the earthy smell of fresh fruit and veggies mixing, the vibrant colors and rich flavors keep me hooked every day.

At home, I have a Breville and it has definitely helped me live a juicier life, it’s been a life changer for me.

Alexa is my new best friend. She helps keep me from losing my mind. You see my school-age kids ask about 1,000 questions a day, of which 80% can be answered by dear old Alexa. She can go on and on, all day, amusing them and answering their questions without ever losing her temper or her cool…bless her. It’s like I’m co-parenting with Alexa. My little fem-bot and I also have a great thing going. She keeps me young at heart playing my favorite 80s and 90s music, reads books to me, informs me of the latest news, and entertains me by reciting short stories and poems. She also has a great sense of humor. How did we ever make it without her!?!

As we age, our hair becomes more fragile and begins to thin out, as a result, it gets oily pretty quickly. And who has time to wash and style it every day? Certainly not me. That is why dry shampoo is one of the best inventions ever. There is a dry shampoo for an array of hair needs whether it’s addressing oily, limp hair, wanting more texture, or simply wanting to extend your killer blowout. Whatever your crowning glory desires, there’s a guaranteed perfect dry shampoo for you.
OK, this is not necessarily a product but a great service to have. If you’re like me you probably still have clothes you wore in your 30s and maybe even your 20s (gasp!) hanging in your closet. And who has time to go shopping searching for clothes? Not me. Stitch Fix is great because it’s basically your own personalized styling service delivered to your home in a box. Who doesn’t love getting a surprise in the mail?! Each box contains 5 items tailored specifically for you including clothing, handbags, shoes, and accessories. You can buy any of the items at reasonable prices or simply return them. You pay only $20 for your stylist fee, and you decide how many fixes you want, either monthly or every other month or just on your birthday, you decide. If interested in signing up, use this link and they’ll waive the $20 for your first Fix. Give it a try and spice up your closet.
You can thank me later. =)
What are your “can’t do without” products?
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