Life Tips

2020 – A Time to Relevé

Lately, I’ve been coming across the “word of the year” that people have been posting left and right on social media. A word they intend to focus on for the next 12 months.

I started thinking about my own word and it just wouldn’t come to me. All the words I kept thinking of either seemed too big of a promise or not nearly close to what I was aiming for myself.

Finally, while attending a Cardio Barre class the other day, which is a ballet-inspired workout, the word arrived right at my feet, literally.

As we were warming up in class, the instructor said we would start with a series of relevé exercises.

And there it was. My word.


Relevé is a movement where the dancer rises on the tips of her toes.

To relevé is to rise.

To stand tall and proud knowing that you are one of a kind and fabulous. You relevé to reach high and dream big.

We are never too old to relevé ladies. I encourage you to relevé to elevate physically, mentally and spiritually.

Plus, it makes for great-looking calves and who doesn’t want that?

So, my wish for you is to move forward and relevé boldly and brilliantly into 2020.

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