40 Things to Be Grateful For in Your 40s
As Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close, I finally had a chance to sit with a warm cup of coffee and contemplate a few things.
Why is it that we become more grateful as we age? Is it because we now see a glimmer of the end and see what’s good about life? Is it because we have accumulated so many life experiences that we can form true opinions on what is important and matters most? Is it because we aim toward greater emotional positivity? Is it because we chose to now look at life through grateful lens?
Whatever the reasons for feeling more grateful nowadays, here are 40 more reasons that we can be thankful for being in our rocking 40s:
Why is it that we become more grateful as we age? Is it because we now see a glimmer of the end and see what’s good about life? Is it because we have accumulated so many life experiences that we can form true opinions on what is important and matters most? Is it because we aim toward greater emotional positivity? Is it because we chose to now look at life through grateful lens?
Whatever the reasons for feeling more grateful nowadays, here are 40 more reasons that we can be thankful for being in our rocking 40s:
- Your 40s are a wonderful feeling of confidence.
- You still have another 40 plus years to rock your age.
- Laugh lines.
- You’re no longer trying to be somebody you’re not.
- You feel at home in your own skin.
- You have a new kind of resilience.
- Your gut instinct has never been more on point.
- You live in the moment.
- You have accumulated a lot of great stories.
- You know that life is just too short to do something that makes you miserable.
- You realize that all that crap you worried about in the past didn’t matter.
- If at first, you don’t succeed, then you redefine success.
- You’re living a second adolescence but without the raging hormones, risky behavior and excessive worrying you felt the first time around.
- You are happy with the woman you are (still) becoming.
- What hasn’t killed you has made you stronger.
- Fewer hangovers.
- You are the perfect combination of beauty and experience.
- You recognize a great wine and a great love in a blink of an eye.
- You know that everyone is winging it, all the time.
- You resist drama.
- You love all that you have versus lamenting everything you don’t.
- The dialogue in your head is a lot more positive than it ever was.
- All rocks thrown at you are stepping stones to go higher.
- You don’t care to impress anyone but yourself.
- You are compelled to give back.
- You don’t want to be with the “cool” people, you just want to be with “your” people.
- You have matured without losing the essence of the girl, teenager and young woman you once were.
- Your idea of happiness has evolved. It’s no longer about what lies ahead but just being content with what you have now.
- You know how fast life goes, so you make the most out of it
- You care more about other people, but less what they think of you
- Although your vision is not what it used to be, you can spot a “loser” a mile away – whether it’s a man, woman, or politician.
- You know that soul mates are made over time.
- You detest gossip. You understand that talking about bad someone else only makes you look bad.
- You don’t regret your past because it made you stronger.
- You know who your real friends are, and they are always there for you.
- You rock your own style. You know exactly how you like to wear your make-up, your hair, and how to dress.
- You are genuinely happy for other people when they accomplish something.
- You realize you still have so much to do and accomplish.
- You feel gratitude for each day you wake up healthy and happy.
- Only 219,000 hours until retirement.
Remember always that gratitude is the best attitude.
What are YOU thankful for as you grow older? Share in comments.
~ Cynthia

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