5 Common Bladder Leak Myths – Busted
It’s high time we start talking about bladder leaks. Why? Because they’re incredibly common. And because we’ve got to stop stigmatizing women’s bodies. Nearly half of women aged 40-60 have bladder leaks, and they only get more prevalent with age. So, let’s start by busting some common myths about bladder leaks. (And yes, even the occasional leak is still incontinence).
Myth #1: If you’re young, fit, and don’t have kids, you’re in the clear
Nope. Nobody is in the clear. Athletes who work out intensely sometimes leak a lot, in fact, due to the pressure on their pelvic floor. The top risk factors for bladder leaks are being overweight, smoking, age, and being female. So yes, bladder leaks are another thing you can blame on hormone changes around and after menopause. (And unlike hot flashes, the vaginal and urinary symptoms associated with menopause only get worse over time). But there’s a lot more to the story than that, too. It’s time to get it out of our heads that only our Great Aunt Sally is old enough to experience leaks.
Myth #2: Fewer drinks means fewer leaks
Yes and no. It depends on what exactly you mean by a drink. Some women cut back on water to decrease leaks. But this can lead to dehydration and concentrated urine is actually more irritating to the bladder. You don’t have to drink 8 glasses a day (that’s also a myth). But if you’re thirsty or if your urine is a color darker than “straw,” then you’re not drinking enough.
And what about drinks that are more interesting than water? Beverages like soda (carbonation), coffee (caffeine), and wine (alcohol) can irritate the bladder and lead to leaks. So if you’re thinking about scaling back your morning cup of Joe, it might help. (We know, it’s a tall order).

Myth #3: Bladder leaks inevitably get worse with age
It is true that bladder leaks get more common with age. But there are so many things you can do to help! And we’re not just talking medications or surgery, which some doctors might have you believe are the only solutions. Bladder training, keeping a bladder diary, eliminating common bladder irritants from your diet, Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises, pelvic floor physical therapy, and high-quality, comfortable bladder leak products are all ways to tell your bladder who’s boss without popping pills or going under the knife.
Myth #4: Kegels don’t work
Ok. Well, I sort of agree with you on this one because it’s partially true. And here’s why: most women don’t do Kegels correctly! Watch out for tightening your bum or your abs. Kegels should be a very focused motion that feels like a sagging hammock tightening and lifting. Imagine gently squeezing a tampon or grape and lifting it inside of you and that’s the right motion. Kegels truly don’t work, though, if your bladder leaks are caused by pelvic floor muscles that are already too tight. In that case, Kegels will actually make things worse.
Myth #5: Even if I could get over the idea of wearing an ugly, bulky product, I’d have to wear a ski mask into the store and move to Cuba if someone sees me.
I have good news. It’s 2020 and you have options. I’ll give you one thing, though: there are a lot of terrible products out there that seem designed to make us feel practically infirmed. Which we are NOT, thank you very much! That’s a large part of why I started Lily Bird. Because you aren’t old, broken, or alone and you don’t have to buy products that say that you are. Plus, we have 10-product trials for only $1.99 that get delivered discreetly right to your door so you never have to leave the house. That means no moving to Cuba unless you’re feeling the urge to drink a Mojito or shimmy the salsa. Send us a postcard.
Ready to tell your bladder who’s boss? Get pads and underwear for leaky laughs and dribble dilemmas delivered straight to your door from Lily Bird. Try 10 products today for $1.99.
About Sydney Larson – Founder of Lily Bird
Sydney Larson is passionate about solving real problems for real women and about de-stigmatizing women’s midlife health issues. She founded Lily Bird — a subscription service for midlife women for products we don’t want to buy in the store — to do just that! Her favorite part of the job is hearing from happy customers. When she’s not working, Sydney enjoys baking sourdough bread, hiking with her dog, and skiing with her husband.

Nicole Heaney
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Hi Nicole,
Yes, they are great right?
You can find all the information in their website at https://www.mylilybird.com/