I know that for me personally, preserving my culture is imperative and a gift that I want to leave my children. Visit "Cultura" to learn about all things related to living a bicultural and bilingual vida.
They say that people’s personalities change drastically over time. According to the longest-ever human character study done at the University of Edinburgh, “a 77-year old does not have the same basic personality traits they had at 14.” As you age, you slowly become a completely different person. Interesting, but I think that if they observed bilingual folks, they might see that personalities can actually shift in an instant. I feel like a different person when I speak in Spanish than when I speak in English. True story. Being a child raised in both Latin America and the U.S., both Spanish and English have always been a central part of my…
Where are our Rocking Over 40 Latina Role Models?
Latinas who are rocking over 40 are among the most underrepresented groups in the U.S. If you look at popular media and important and powerful Latinas, you can probably count them with your fingers. Yet, when you look around your community, you probably see them everywhere – as entrepreneurs, mothers, career women, artists, innovators, and so on. As Latinas, we need more role models our age. They’re out there, but nobody is talking about them. The media loves to cover successful, beautiful aging Latinas like J. Lo, Salma, Sofia Vergara, and Eva Longoria but to me they are so over the top with glamour and stardom that it’s hard to…
Latina Entrepreneurs Are Taking the World by Storm
I have to admit that for the majority of my working life, I have not given much thought to entrepreneurs given that I’ve always worked for good size companies that had everything in place and made it easy for me to just come in and do the work I needed to do. While I always appreciated what the founder (mostly women) had created, I didn’t give much thought into all the dreams, the effort, the long hours, and hard work that went into creating something out of nothing. But being surrounded by successful Latina entrepreneurs that I am honored to call my friends, has given me a new perspective on…
Keeping Biculturalism Alive in my Home
My life has always been about two languages, two cultures, and taking the best of each. I’m also an advertising strategic planner on accounts that serve the U.S. Hispanic community so understanding the dynamics of language and biculturalism is imperative in order to ensure brands speak to our consumers in a relevant and meaningful way. Having conducted many consumer research studies with Latina moms, one thing that impresses me is their desire to pass on their heritage and language to their kids, regardless of what their personal language preference is. They all aspire to raise bilingual and bicultural children. Oftentimes, I hear versions of stories that remind me of…