How One Word Can Make a Big Difference in Your Life

As the new year made its grand entrance, I started seeing many people post their choice word for the year. A word that they will focus on, day in and day out, throughout 12 months to help bring focus to what they want in their lives.
While I am happy to follow 5 New Year’s Resolution’s We Should Be Making in Our 40’s and Beyond I was intent on coming up with my own guiding word for the year.
I came across many inspirational ones like “warrior”, “wellness”, “conquer”, “mindfulness”, “gratitude”, “determined”, “abundance” and “peace”. And while I loved them all and could in one way or another relate to them, when it came time for me to choose one strong word to guide me all year long, I found myself rattled and overwhelmed.

Not one word captivated or channeled into me the sufficient motivation to keep me going for 365 days.
And how could I only pick JUST one? There are so many things I want to do, and to be, and to feel. Limiting it all down to one word was very hard. As much as I tried, I could not settle on one word.
I heard my mom say it casually, the other day, in a conversation we were having about her continuing to cultivate the garden of her dreams.
That was it!

CULTIVATE. Cultivate!! Cul-ti-vate.
When you cultivate something, you work hard to make it flourish and produce.
We are the gardeners of our own life.
While I didn’t speak the word directly that day, it spoke directly to me. That word had my name written on it.
Here’s why that word is empowering to me and how I will cultivate my rocking 40’s in this new year:

As the new year made its grand entrance, I started seeing many people post their choice word for the year. A word that they will focus on, day in and day out, throughout 12 months to help bring focus to what they want in their lives.
While I am happy to follow 5 New Year’s Resolution’s We Should Be Making in Our 40’s and Beyond I was intent on coming up with my own guiding word for the year.
I came across many inspirational ones like “warrior”, “wellness”, “conquer”, “mindfulness”, “gratitude”, “determined”, “abundance” and “peace”. And while I loved them all and could in one way or another relate to them, when it came time for me to choose one strong word to guide me all year long, I found myself rattled and overwhelmed.

Not one word captivated or channeled into me the sufficient motivation to keep me going for 365 days.
And how could I only pick JUST one? There are so many things I want to do, and to be, and to feel. Limiting it all down to one word was very hard. As much as I tried, I could not settle on one word.
I heard my mom say it casually, the other day, in a conversation we were having about her continuing to cultivate the garden of her dreams.
That was it!

CULTIVATE. Cultivate!! Cul-ti-vate.
When you cultivate something, you work hard to make it flourish and produce.
We are the gardeners of our own life.
While I didn’t speak the word directly that day, it spoke directly to me. That word had my name written on it.
Here’s why that word is empowering to me and how I will cultivate my rocking 40’s in this new year:
- I will cultivate self-love…
- I will cultivate a positive mindset…
- I will cultivate another year older and bolder…
- I will cultivate my own wellness…
- I will cultivate my passions…
- I will cultivate my strengths…
- I will cultivate my successes…
- I will cultivate my creativity…
- I will cultivate my inner peace…
- I will cultivate my role as a daughter, wife, mother, friend…
- I will cultivate my happiness.
The seeds are already within us as a result of all of our life experiences. You know what is thriving and what needs to be pruned, so cultivate what works for you and keep growing meaningfully, upward and fruitful. You’ve got this!
Share your word (or action) for the year and help inspire us all.
January 6, 2018, by Cynthia Correa
RELATED: 40 Things to Be Grateful For in Your 40s