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Have you ever read a book that is so addictive that you just can’t put it down? The type of book that has you thinking about it all day long and dreaming about the hour you will be reunited so that you may continue to devour each word, each page, each chapter?
Well, look no further and get your hands on The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Warning: You will cry and you will find yourself binge reading all night long. Once the book ends, the separation anxiety will be strong.
I’m an avid reader and it’s not often that I come across such a compelling book that has me thinking about it long after I have finished reading it.
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah is long, with nearly 600 pages but so very worth the time and effort to read. At first, I thought it would be your typical wartime love story but this novel was so much more than that.
While there are a few love stories intertwined in the novel, they are not central to the theme of the book.
The Nightingale is mainly about the women of war during the brutal Nazi occupation of France and is largely focused on two sisters.  Strong, brave and inspiring women who had so very little, yet risked so much for their family, to save lives, and for their country. This novel makes you see that it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts, but what you do with what you have left that matters.
I was moved to tears and can’t exactly put into words the power in which this novel moved me. But I promise you that when you’re done with it, you will feel gratitude for everything and everyone in your life, you will feel gratitude for the simplest things like butter and olive oil that we may take for granted. But most importantly you will feel compelled to fiercely stand up for everything that is wrong in the world and find a way to leave a legacy behind.
So, my dear Rocking Over 40 beauties, read on and let me know your thoughts, oui? Also, there is a movie in the works, who do you think should be cast to play the role of the sisters?
Au revoir!
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