
My Wish Has Been Granted: An Indestructible and Educational Tablet For My Son

If you have kids at home you know how hard it can be to control what they watch online, even when you use parental control measures. But with Amazon’s All-New Fire HD 8 Kids Edition Tablet  I know that everything my 6-year old is watching and reading is SAFE.
All its content is kid-safe and you can manage exactly what they watch or read, and for how long. And since my child is learning to read, he has a whole library of age-appropriate books at his fingertips, and I get to set reading goals. Talk about reading made fun! And with that case, it can go through a lot of wear and tear, and accidental drops. Why didn’t we have all these cool toys when we were growing up? Kids are so lucky today.
I am very excited because I recently won this tablet from Amazon at the #WeAllGrowFamilia conference and I am eager to test it out with my son. His birthday is right around the corner and this is one gift we’ll both be eager to unwrap and use.
This tablet is practically in a class by itself. Check it out!

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