Honoring the Women Who Never Make the Spotlight
Let's honor the women who never make the spotlight, yet still make a huge impact in their families and communities.
10 Life Quotes To Get You Out of Your Funk ASAP
I’m sure we all have days where we feel like we can conquer the world with our eyes closed, and then there are those days where we are in a total funk – not depressed, just disengaged, uninterested, and unable to get motivated. Sound familiar? It’s not a horrible state, but when you’re feeling this way, you tend to be disconnected, bored, and nothing can seem to snap you out of it. I believe we fall in a funk when we feel overwhelmed and exhausted, and are in need of a break. Oftentimes, we simply wait it out and it goes away on its own. Over time, I’ve learned that…
What Makes You Feel Old?
Even though we're not that "old", you have to admit there are things we do and see that make us feel ancient. What makes you feel old?
Have You Checked Your Breasts Today?
Tomorrow I’m having a biopsy on my left breast and I’m absolutely petrified. Not so much from the procedure itself (although I cringe when I think about that loooong needle they are going to insert) but from what the results may reveal. You see I have a dense lump on my left breast that has remained the same size and shape for the last 2 years but during my recent follow-up mammogram (which I have been diligently getting every 6 months), the results indicated that the lump grew in size. Darn! Having any sort of medical condition seems a lot more stressful nowadays with the wealth of information available at…
It’s Time to Change the Conversation Because We Are Badass Women
I noticed lately that when I get together with girlfriends we spend a good amount of time whining, complaining, bitching and moaning about the perils of aging. The wrinkles have sneaked up, the weight keeps coming on even though our diets and exercise routines haven’t changed, the eyesight just keeps getting worse, the knees hurt when we climb stairs, our menstrual cycles are all wacky, the gray hairs are taking over, we hit peak tiredness by 8 p.m., and on and on. You get the gist. It’s like suddenly we realize we’re middle-aged and our conversations change. We commiserate with others who understand us, and naturally, we support our collective…